10 Delicious Ways to Eat an Avocado 

Medium Brush Stroke

Avocados bring nourishment to many recipes. One ounce (28 grammes) has healthy fats, fibre, and protein. Avocados may improve heart, weight, and ageing.   Avocados can be eaten 23 creative ways. 

1. Seasoned

A touch of salt and pepper is the easiest way to enjoy avocados. You can also add paprika, cayenne pepper, balsamic vinegar, or lemon juice. Cut an avocado into chunks and season with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, pepper, and salt. 

2. Stuffed 

Avocados for breakfast are healthful.Fill half an avocado with an egg and bake at 425℉ (220℃) for 15-20 minutes until the white solidifies.Cover avocado and crumbled bacon with parsley, cayenne pepper, salt, and pepper.Tuna, poultry, vegetables, and fruits can replace eggs. Online stuffed avocado recipes are plentiful. 

3. In scrambled eggs 

Put avocado in scrambled eggs for breakfast.Just dice avocado and add to pan-cooked eggs. If you want to prevent burning the avocado, do this halfway through frying the eggs, then heat until Add avocado after eggs are done and off the stove for colder avocado. Add salt and pepper to shredded cheese. 

4. On toast

Avocados can replace butter and margarine. Spreading puréed avocado on toast and sandwiches adds vitamins and minerals. 

5. In guacamole

Guacamole may be the most famous Mexican food. Avocados, herbs and seasonings can be used alone or with maize, pineapple, broccoli and quinoa. 

6. As mayo substitute 

In mayonnaise-based foods, avocados work well.  Avocado can be used in tuna, chicken, and egg salads. 

7. In salads 

Avocados' fat and fibre may keep you satiated for longer, reducing calorie intake at following meals, according to research.  Avocados make salads more satisfying despite their low calorie count. 

8. In soups 

Avocados are also great in soups. Avocado soup or bits of avocados can be added to other soups. There are several healthy avocado soup recipes online. Both hot and cold versions of these soups are common. 

9. Sour cream replacement 

– 2 avocado – the juice of 2 lime – 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of water – 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of olive or avocado oil – a pinch of salt – a pinch of pepper

10. In sushi rolls

Japanese food is incomplete without sushi. Usually, rice, seaweed, and fish or shellfish are used to make it. Avocados are also often used in sushi rolls, though. They taste smooth and can be used to fill or put on top of sushi rolls. 

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