12 Ways to Lower Your Insulin Levels 

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Your pancreas makes essential insulin. This helps cells use blood sugar for energy and activities. High insulin levels can induce obesity, heart disease, and cancer. High blood insulin levels can render cells insulin-resistant. Insulin resistance increases pancreatic insulin production, a deadly loop.If your doctor reduces insulin.   

1. Eat less carbs  

Carbohydrates raise insulin and blood sugar most. While carbs are essential to most healthy meals, lower-carb diets can help you lose weight and manage diabetes.  Many studies show that reduced-carb diets lower insulin levels and increase insulin sensitivity.  

2. Add apple cider vinegar  

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) may lower insulin and post-meal blood sugar, especially in high-carb diets.One review found that 2–6 teaspoons (10-30 mL) of vinegar daily improves carbohydrate-rich meal glycemic response. Note that this review examined vinegars other than ACV.  

3. Watch portion amounts

Eating a lot of meals that stimulate your pancreas to generate excess insulin can lead to hyperinsulinemia This is especially concerning for obese and insulin-resistant persons In a tiny 2017 study, healthy participants with “normal” or higher BMIs ate meals with various glycemic loads for a few days.  

4. Reduce sugar in all forms  

Sugar may be the most important insulin-lowering factor. Dietary sugar can cause insulin resistance and metabolic problems.  A 2009 tiny research advised healthy people to eat more peanuts or candies. The sweets group had 31% higher fasting insulin and the peanut group 12%.  

5. Exercise first  

Regular exercise can reduce insulin levels. Aerobic exercise improves insulin sensitivity in obese or type 2 diabetic patients.  One study compared metabolic fitness in obese adults with persistent aerobic exercise and high-intensity interval training.  

6. Add cinnamon to food and drinks  

Sweet, antioxidant-rich cinnamon. Cinnamon supplements may improve insulin sensitivity and lower insulin levels in insulin-resistant and insulin-normal people, according to recent  A small, well-designed study found that PCOS women who took 1.5 grammes of cinnamon powder daily for 12 weeks had lower fasting insulin and insulin resistance than placebo.  

7. Eat complex carbs 

Complex carbs are vital to a balanced diet, but refined or “simple” carbs lack fibre and nutrients and break down quickly. Simple sugars and fiber-free grains are refined carbs. Sugary cereal, processed fast food, refined flour breads and pastries, and white rice are examples.  

8. Get more active 

In a 2005 study of 1,600 people, those who were sedentary were nearly twice as likely to have metabolic syndrome as those who exercised at least 150 minutes per week. Exercise can lower insulin levels.Other research suggest walking instead of sitting helps reduce post-meal insulin increases.  

9. Consider intermittent fasting  

Recent headlines have focused on intermittent fasting's potential weight loss benefits. Researchers also believe intermittent fasting may lower insulin levels better than everyday calorie restriction.  

10. Eat more soluble fiber  

Soluble fiber helps with weight loss and blood sugar control. After eating, soluble fiber in food absorbs water and forms a gel, slowing digestion. This makes you feel full and slows blood sugar and insulin rise after meals.   

11. Lose weight if indicated  

Age, sex hormones, and genetics determine fat distribution. An excess of visceral or abdominal fat is associated to several health concerns. Inflammation and insulin resistance from visceral fat cause hyperinsulinemia.  

12. Consume green tea  

Green tea is rich in epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an antioxidant that may reduce insulin resistance. A 2016 study found that postmenopausal obese people with high insulin levels who took green tea extract had a slight decrease in insulin over 12 months, while those who received a placebo had higher insulin levels.  

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