2 Rare Dimes And rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth $15 Million Dollars Each Are Still in Circulation

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Rare discovery continue to fascinate collectors and enthusiasts in numismatics. Imagine finding two rare dimes and a bicentennial quarter worth $15 million in your pocket change. This listicle reveals the remarkable stories behind these numismatic riches that persist.  

1  The 1916-D Mercury Dime: A Dime Worth a Fortune

A numismatic gem in circulation, the 1916-D Mercury Dime is our favourite. Denver mints a limited run of this dime with Adolph Weinman's winged Liberty head. Since there are few, finding this dime in your change might be historic and bring you wealth.  

2  The 1894-S Barber Dime: A Rarity Beyond Compare

Our numismatic journey continues with the rare 1894-S Barber Dime. Rare San Francisco dime from a limited year. Numismatics is fascinating, but with less than 30 examples, carrying one is rare.  

3  Bicentennial Quarter: A $15 Million Surprise

America's 200th birthday's 1976 Bicentennial Quarter hides a tragic truth. Many of these quarters survive, but few cherish them. Finding a $15 million bicentennial treasure in loose change might transform your life.  


Interesting pocket cash may include rare numismatic stones. American coinage and discovery are honoured by the 1916-D Mercury Dime, 1894-S Barber Dime, and Bicentennial Quarter. When coins clink in your pocket, remember that hidden jewels may be closer than you realise, ready to make any day numismatic.  


8 Rare Dimes And rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth $22 Million Dollars Each Are Still in Circulation