Gingerbread Cake with Lemon Hard Sauce Recipe-Learn under Expert

Martha Stewart Lemon Hard Sauce Gingerbread Cake is delicious! Warm winter spices fill this moist cake. Lemon hard sauce is essential for this simple but tasty cake!After a long day at school, homemade gingerbread cake is unmatched. Gingerbread Cake with Lemon Hard Sauce is better. Maybe some hot tea.


Gingerbread cake – 8 tablespoons 1 stick unsalted butter – 2 ½ cups all-purpose flour – 1 cup boiling water – 2 teaspoons baking soda – 2 teaspoons ground ginger – 3 teaspoons ground cinnamon – ½ teaspoon ground clove – 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg – ½ teaspoon salt – 2 teaspoons baking powder – ⅔ cup packed dark-brown sugar – 1 cup unsulfured molasse – 1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger – 2 large egg Lemon Hard Sauce – ½ cup butter – 2 tsp lemon zest – 1-2 Tablespoons lemon juice – 1 ½ cups powdered sugar – 1 Tablespoon vanilla extract.




Warm the oven up to 350 degrees. Prepare a 9-by-9-inch cake pan by greasing and flouring it.

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Reserve boiling water and baking soda in a small bowl. Sift flour, ground spices, salt, and baking powder into a large bowl.

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Cream butter in a paddle-attached electric mixer until light. Whip brown sugar until fluffy. Molasses, grated ginger, baking soda, and flour mixture should be mixed next. Stir in eggs last.

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Pour batter into pan. Bake the cake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean (30–35 minutes). Cool on a wire rack. Cut squares.

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Serve with Lemon Hard Sauce or confectioners' sugar. For Lemon Hard Sauce:

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Beat softened butter, lemon zest, and juice on medium-high speed in a medium bowl until creamy. 

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Pour powdered sugar and vanilla into the bowl in small amounts and beat until fluffy.

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