Zingy Honey Almond Nougat With Lemon And Ginger Recipe

Many sweet treats can be made to satisfy your sweet tooth or entertain guests. We love making cakes, cookies, pies, and more, but sometimes we want to mess around. 

– 2 sheets edible wafer paper – 2 large eggs, whites only – 1 ½ cups honey – 1 teaspoon vanilla extract – Pinch of salt – 3 cups whole almonds, roasted – ½ cup diced crystallized ginger – ½ cup diced candied lemon peel



Cut two edible wafer paper pieces to fit an 8x7 or 8x8-inch pan bottom. You can also line the pan with parchment.

Green Blob


Warm the honey in a large mixing bowl over a saucepan with a couple inches of water on medium-low heat. 

Green Blob


Use a wooden spoon or whisk to mix egg whites into honey. Add salt and vanilla. Over medium-low heat, stir constantly with a wooden spoon for 1 hour.

Green Blob


Heat oven to 350 F. Toast almonds for 15 minutes in the oven after 45 minutes of nougat cooking.

Green Blob


Dip a spoonful of nougat into cold water to check its firmness. Keep it together. If the mixture dissolves, cook it over medium-low heat. 

Green Blob


Mix toasted almonds, crystallized ginger, and candied lemon. Cook and stir for 5–10 minutes. Place nougat in wafer paper-lined baking tin. 

Green Blob


Use a spoon or spatula to level the mixture and cover with the second wafer paper. Straighten wafer paper.

Green Blob


Cool for a few hours, then cut with a knife, wiping it with oil to avoid sticking. Seal the nougat in parchment or plastic and store it cool.

Green Blob


Gluten-Free Garlic And Herb Crackers Recipe 

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