10 Natural Ways to Balance Your Hormones 

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Strong hormones tell the body what to do and when. Hormone imbalances affect the entire body. You may have mood swings, sleep issues, memory issues, fatigue, weight gain, and more. Happily, most hormone imbalances are fixable. Balance hormones naturally, improve your health, and get relief with these ten tips. 

1. What Is Hormone Imbalance?

An imbalance occurs when hormone production is too high or low. Thyroid hormone deficiency affects the entire body. The slow metabolism can cause weight gain and fatigue. Chronic stress causes adrenal glands to underperform, causing cortisol imbalances. 

2. What Causes Hormone Imbalance? 

Much can disrupt the body and cause hormone imbalances. Rebalancing hormones takes longer the longer they're off. Finding the cause of your hormone imbalance is crucial. Chronic stress, poor diet, endocrine disruptors, diabetes, and thyroid disease cause hormone imbalances. 

3. Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Chronic inflammation can cause thyroid disease, insulin resistance, adrenal fatigue, and sex hormone imbalances. Anti-inflammatory diets reduce inflammation. Avoiding inflammatory foods improves hormone balance and health.  

4. Manage Blood Glucose 

Hormone balance requires balanced blood glucose. You must eat balanced, leafy green vegetable-rich meals. Each meal should also contain healthy proteins and fats to stabilise blood sugar. Apple cider vinegar has been shown to reduce sugar cravings and boost glucose levels. 

5. Bioidentical Hormones

Functional medicine doctors may prescribe bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for hormone imbalance. This therapy normalises hormone levels. Women and men can use bioidentical hormones. Bioidentical hormones treat perimenopause, impotence, insulin resistance, adrenal fatigue, and thyroid disease. 

6. Detoxification 

Different toxins disrupt hormone production. Toxin removal, natural detoxification, and hormone production and use improve with detoxification. Replace processed foods with whole foods, sugary drinks and alcohol with water, sweating to remove toxins, and supplements. 

7. Exercise

Exercise balances hormones in several ways. First, exercise boosts brain dopamine, which reduces stress. Exercise releases serotonin, which improves sleep, digestion, and sexual health. Daily exercise boosts testosterone and oestrogen. Combining aerobic and strength training optimises hormone levels. 

8. Improve Gut Health 

An unhealthy gut can cause chronic inflammation and hormone disruptions. Gut health affects oestrogen, serotonin, thyroid hormone, and insulin resistance. Eating kimchi, sauerkraut, and yoghurt with live cultures and taking a probiotic supplement can improve gut health and hormone balance. 

9. Sleep

The body repairs itself while you sleep. Sleeping less than 7 to 9 hours a night can cause hormonal imbalances. Insomnia and other sleep issues require good sleep hygiene. Turning off electronics like TV, phones, tablets, and computers two hours before bedtime can improve sleep quality. 

10. Supplementation 

Adaptogenic herbs and vitamins and minerals address chronic stress, toxins, and inflammation. Low B vitamins, vitamin D, iron, zinc, magnesium, and iodine can cause hormone imbalance. Combining a healthy diet with vitamin and mineral supplements can correct nutrient deficiencies and balance hormones. 

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