8 Heat-free Tips For Straight Hair

After you wash your hair, let it dry partly in the air until it's damp. Split your hair into pieces and pull each one tight while it dries. This makes the hair straighter while it dries.  

1. Air Dry with Tension 

Before going to bed, comb your wet hair and use hairpins to hold it around your head. Take off the wrap in the morning to get smoother, straighter hair.  

2. Wrap Hair Overnight 

Put wet hair on big hair rollers or bendable rods and hold them in place. For straightened waves, let your hair dry all the way through before taking out the rollers.  

3. Use Hair Rollers or Flexi Rods 

Using a silk or satin pillowcase while you sleep can help keep your hair smooth by reducing pressure and frizz.  

4. Silk or Satin Pillowcase 

Before bed, braid your wet hair. Your hair will be straighter if you braid it tighter. Take out the knots in the morning and comb your hair through to make it look naturally straight.  

5. Braiding 

To help smooth and straighten your hair, use smoothing creams or serums that don't use heat.  

6. Hair Straightening Products 

After you wash your hair, use cold water to give it one last rinse. This might help protect the cuticles of the hair and make it less frizzy.  

7. Cold Water Rinse 

While your hair is drying, use a wide-tooth comb to get rid of knots. This makes the hair straighter and smoother as it dries.  

8. Comb While Drying 

12 Healthy Lunch Ideas For Weight Loss 

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